

(本記事は2020/06/19 23:13に私がnote上で公開した記事を、ほぼ、そっくりそのまま転載したものです。)
















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2021.04.08 追記(Addendum)





If there is an English translation, it may be possible for more people to see it across countries, so I will also post the text translated by the reliable “Google Translate”(^-^)
There may be some strange translations, but please enjoy including them (^-^)

[0 yen article] "Respect for older people" is a dangerous idea
(This article is a reprint of the article I published on note on 2020/06/19 23:13, almost exactly as it is.)
[0 yen article] "Respect for older people" is a dangerous idea

Do you like the word “gerontocracy”?

I tend to stay away from the scene where harsh words fly, but I’m old enough to escape from this negative emotion that is indivisible with other people’s affairs, so I hesitate well. I would like to find hints for staying alive.

When I was in the upper grades of elementary school, I felt uncomfortable with a boy who was cute and told his classmates that he was “cute” straight to the popular girls.
Also, when my mother asked me about my favorite TV personality, I was too shy to name a beautiful woman.

… Here, please pay attention to the words that are conscious of “differentiation”.
“Cute” “Cute” … It’s a well-known compliment, and the opposite word is easy to come to mind. “Appearance” also has similar attributes.
“Women,” “boys,” “mothers,” “women,” … Gender is often used to flesh out specificity when characterizing a suspect in a case in the news. And, for some reason, many people feel that cruelty increases when the “woman” is the criminal. My old tales are conscious of making more women appear, but for men in the world (probably also for women), for better or worse, they only have the attribute of “woman”, rather than those who are not women. It is perceived as attracting the interest of others.

By the way, I have used the confusing expression “discrimination”, but I would be happy if the nuances of “discrimination” were not felt by the recipient.
Of course, I was careful not to use words that are lonely topics and that are directly related to discrimination, but as people say that there are no words that do not hurt anyone, as long as the sensibilities of the recipients are diverse, no one I’m not confident when asked if I didn’t stimulate him.

Also, I will stop trying to distinguish between “discrimination” and “discrimination” this time. Japanese is very difficult.

What I always feel is that in a world where “cute” exists, it is quite normal for “not cute” to exist.
This is different from applying this to people and assuming that there are “not cute people” in the world where “cute people” exist. People who are not cute are “cool people”, “strong people”, “strong people”, and “bright people”. If you try to find the most understandable characteristic that can express your personality in one shot, you will be more likely to avoid choosing words that can be regarded as slanderous.
While it is difficult to change an individual’s sensibilities of “cute” and “not cute”, avoiding telling the person who feels “not cute” as it is is to imagine the reaction of the other person. It’s relatively easy. Many people say that the brakes are applied.

I made a detour, but let’s move on to the main subject.

Humans have a habit of looking at a large number of other people as comparisons at the moment when they say “cute” to one person.
Even “young”. All of them have the image of “good skin gloss” and “immature”, but in any case, it is easy to imagine a person who has the opposite positive and negative aspects.
You only have to remember the jarring compliments, but that’s not the case.

The word “gerontocracy” has such a strong power that it can be mistaken for old age = harm.
If there are people who hurt, there are also gentle people who try to protect them. “Respect” is a word that is often directed to old people.

For example, now that you have important grandparents, it’s very dangerous to look down on them alone or to remind your friends to “respect older people like you.”
The words that fly from the direction you can’t see are “treat with respect for everything, regardless of age” and “don’t think you’re all right”.

At least I can’t feel free to say “gerontocracy.” At the same time, it became difficult to express respect. I sincerely hope that the casual age-based distinction does not create a humorous division between the “gerontocracy” and the “young army.”


I’m not very good at word-of-mouth sentences …
If it gets so hot, I wish I could stop next time. ..


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